Introduction to Coding Class at Atara

What is coding?
Coding is a valuable skill for a variety of careers, including software and web development, computer systems engineering, database administration, computer systems analysis, computer programming and more. 

What does this course look like at Atara? 

Atara is offering this as a blended-learning style course as an elective for seniors.  The focus is on learning the Python coding language, which is used to build websites, create data security for online systems, solve data analytics problems and, at its core, write code. Students who move faster through Python and wish to explore other programming languages will have that opportunity as well.

Here’s what our Atara students have to say about Coding:

1. ” Coding is helpful in almost any career today! I’m learning how to properly understand how software functions; this empowers me to deal with technological problems later on.”
– Tzivia Elias

2. “I feel driven to work the coding course on my own time since the online program is fast-moving, interactive and enjoyable.”
-Leah L.

3. “Coding class is really practicing combining my math and problem solving skills and interests. Almost any career I may be interested in for the future (such as engineering) will require coding, and now I am building a strong background!’

4. “I love when I can plug in every small detail and the program works. If i’m ever stuck on an exercise, Mr. Klusmeier can help catch my mistake and fix it. It’s like solving a big mystery of math problems!”

 For dedications, please contact Rabbi Travis at 513-366-3940 or